A Sassy Turtle
My new grandson has arrived! Nick, Nickolas James, on June 15. He is adorable! This is my third grandchild and, like the two before, I made the bedding for the baby's crib.
The baby's dad is an avid duck hunter. So when the soon-to-be parents found marsh baby decals with cattails, ducks, frogs, and turtles, they knew it had to be the baby's room theme. I told them I have made a turtle quilt. They loved the idea and were really excited to have it be the bedding.
Simplicity's pattern 2493 features three rag quilts, one of them is a turtle. The key to this quilt, is to line up the pattern pieces and cut fabric right away. You need to see how the various fabrics will line up and keep them that way. There is a lot of cutting - between the fabric pieces and batting I allowed a day for cutting.

Each pattern piece has printed lines for the quilting guidelines.

After each section is quilted, I put it right back on the table in its place.

This is the second time I have used this pattern. The first time I made this turtle quilt I wasn't as good at keeping the quilted pieces in order. When I got to piecing them together I was off in lining up the correct sides and color coordinating. So, I can't emphasize enough - keep all the pieces lined up at all times!
One thing the pattern never mentions is cutting the batting an inch in. Because this is a rag quilt, you don't want the batting to go to the edges or the batting will show on the finished quilt. I cut all the batting out with the pattern, but I trimmed off one inch all around with my rotary cutter. Then I had enough batting strips to almost stuff the matching pillow I was going to make.
After each section is quilted, you begin to sew them all together. It's fun to watch it form.

I found it easier to stitch two sections together then rag cut. I also added an extra stitch about 1/4" away from the seam line.
The pattern suggests rag cutting at the end when everything is sewn, but it just seemed like I had more control over the cutting and extra stitch by doing it right away.

Here it is - all finished! And check out how cute the turtle is looking up at you.

With the rag quilt finished, I turned to make a matching pillow.
I just cut a 12" square from the solid blue felt. Then I appliqued the turtle pieces on.

I cut out one triangle for the tail and eight circles to make the body, legs and head. I have a stash of templates including a grouping of six sizes of circles. I used four of those sizes to make the turtle, with the smallest being for the legs. I just tucked them under the largest body circle pretty far to make them look like the turtle's legs. Then I machine stitched each piece with a blanket stitch. The eyes are were also machine stitched with a satin stitch setting.
Pretty easy. No pattern required for this!